Soul Rest

I don’t think she realized the value of the gift she gave me. An author we both loved was speaking at a church in her town and my friend didn’t hesitate to purchase tickets for the both of us. She didn’t even ask me first. After almost 20 years, I guess she knows me wellContinueContinue reading “Soul Rest”

Rest: Cultivating a Quiet Heart

I don’t think there is a single person that couldn’t benefit from more rest and quiet. Not just sleep, although I would enjoy more of that too. I mean resting from all things that keep us busy. And from the activities that overwhelm our minds, distracting us from life and the people in it. ThereContinueContinue reading “Rest: Cultivating a Quiet Heart”

Let Go of Doing it All: Part 3

There is no easy formula to letting go of doing it all. I wish I could tell you to do A+B=C and your stress would disappear! The process of “Letting Go” is different for each person reading these words. My hope is that my story will help you reflect on yours and what changes youContinueContinue reading “Let Go of Doing it All: Part 3”

Let Go of Doing it All: Part 2

“Stop trying to be SuperMom.” I have repeated this in my head over and over for 15 years. I am sure men experience some of the same feelings, but I can only speak from experience. Surely, at some point in our parenting journies, we all become enveloped with fear, thinking, “What if I fail?”, “WhatContinueContinue reading “Let Go of Doing it All: Part 2”